Dear Parents & Carers
Many of you may already be aware that we have a defibrillator on our school site. I won’t elaborate on the statistics of how many adults & children of school age suffer from cardiac arrests each year, as I feel you are more than aware already and also, we have enough statistics & “slides!” currently coming our way.
This message has been prompted by other schools who have shared with us the fact that local businesses & individuals support the annual maintenance costs of any defibrillator they have on their site, therefore this is the aim of my request.
Currently, there is an annual maintenance cost of £75 together with approx. £35 to cover the yearly cost of batteries and spare pads etc.
I feel that it is in everybody’s interest to support the school’s defibrillator as our school is at the heart of our community and of course the defibrillator is available for use in the event of a public emergency too, should it be needed.
If you feel that you are able to help out & support in any way, this would be much appreciated. Kindly email Mrs Hackett on before the 22nd January.
Many thanks & take care