Within our family of schools, collectively we seek to provide our children with the best educational experience possible. Over the last calendar year this has been a challenge you have all risen to, ensuring our children are supported in their learning. One of the biggest challenges has been ensuring that we stay ‘connected’ and continue the amazing collaborative work that happens in our schools. The superb Children's Council has continued to meet through this year, sharing ideas of how we can continue collaborating and ‘widen’ the experiences for all and planted the seed for this initiative. We hope that this activity will help spark additional spin off projects for us to collaborate on later in the year when current restrictions ease.
For this project, we are working collaboratively with 8BillionIdeas.
8BillionIdeas are an online education company who specialise in developing entrepreneurial skills and creative ideas in young people in order to establish a platform for positive change in the world.
We are working collaboratively with 8BillionIdeas to pose a challenge to all of our children to come up with ‘One Big Idea’ that may possibly change the world! The emphasis is on inspiring the creativity, possibilities and imagination of the children to ‘dream big’. The theme of the challenge is to harness the thinking skills and entrepreneurial spirit for all students, unlocking their innovative DNA. Participation in this event will have the following impact on the children:
The challenge has an emphasis on creativity and the children using their imagination to solve the following question:
"If there was anything that I could change about the world, what would it be?"
The challenge will be launched through an assembly that all children and staff can sign into (A recording will be available for those unable to access live). In addition, parents, teachers and children will be able to play this again at any time throughout the challenge.
8 Billion Ideas will provide Key Stage appropriate resources via a live website for the children to access and work through the different activities and stages of the competition and be broken down into smaller activities as follows:
Key Stage 1:
Key Stage 2: (The 3 stages from above are made more intricate and in depth)
After the launch assembly, the children will have 4 weeks to generate ideas, consider solutions, create an advert and present to an audience. The process of how they can do this is flexible - they can work individually (should they choose to) or can work in groups of up to 4. The challenge will end on 24th March with in school presentations to find the best ‘One Big Idea’ in each school. The 6 top ideas will go forward to a SAET final on 31st March (judging panel is currently being finalised).
There is no requirement for the children to make a prototype (they can if they wish). We are aware that not all children will have access to the appropriate materials/resources to do so. The challenge is for them to think about the process of creating their product (and the materials that they may use) and provide a drawing or use some toys like Lego, Kinex, or even online tools such as Minecraft to create a model of their idea.
During the process, where possible, we will look to create opportunities for year groups across SAET to share their ideas with each other via video link ups.
On Wednesday 24th March, the children will present their presentation to their peers and staff. An overall school ‘One Big Idea’ will be selected from all the entries to be put forward to the SAET finals the following week.
Launch Date Wednesday 24th February 1.30pm
Project work: In school or at home
In School Final Presentations* Wednesday 24th March
SAET Final Presentations Wednesday 31st March
*More information to be given on the structure for this at a later date. The structure for this is going to be dependent on the restrictions in place and if all children have returned to school.
After the challenge has been completed, we hope to be able to use the ideas generated to supplement further collaboration days and projects later in the year with the children.