
School Announcements

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Message to our Families from The Governors of Wolverley Sebright

End of Term Message from the

Governors of Wolverley Sebright



Dear Families,


I write to you as we find ourselves yet again at the end of another year! Like many, I find myself wondering where the last 12 months have gone. For Wolverley Sebright the last 12 months have seen disruption to learning as a result of the pandemic. Despite these disruptions, I am always amazing and inspired by the commitment and passion shown by our pupils and staff. They have all adapted and taken everything in their stride, as they continue to embrace our schools moto - ‘Learn Grow Achieve’.


Despite the disruption, Wolverley Sebright has continued its journey, our School Nursery is full with smiling faces, our building works are completed providing our pupils with fantastic learning facilities and pupils have continued to learn and develop. As Governors, our focus continues to be ensuring all pupils make progress and are provided with the best opportunities in and out of lesson.


I am honoured to be a part of the Wolverley Sebright community, where myself and the rest of the governors look forward to the next 12 months and working in partnership with Mrs Reeves-Walters, the staff and yourselves as our families to provide our pupils with the best possible opportunities.


If you would like any further information, or to raise or ask any questions, please see Mrs Hackett in the School Office.


From myself and all the Governors, we wish everyone in our community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year




Andy Whordley

Chair of Governors

Learn Grow Achieve
