
School Announcements

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Message from Headteacher

Phasing specified year groups back to school. 


Dear parents, 


As we begin the last half of the summer term we do so in a very different way. Over the course of the past 10 weeks we have remained open for pupils of critical and key workers and provided remote learning opportunities for all pupils. 


Following Government recommendations we will start to phase specified year groups back into school from 1st June. We will do this gradually and will review our provision each week.


The first group to return tomorrow (1st June) will be the pupils of critical and key workers. Guidance has been provided to those who continue to need us and staff will be there from 8.45am to welcome our children safely into school. 


Our second group of pupils joining us will be Year 6 on Tuesday 2nd June. For those returning this will be their first time in school since March. Again, guidance has been provided so pupils and parents understand the expectations and procedures we all need to follow. 


When parents and pupils arrive at school they will notice white markings which are spaced 2m apart from the footpath and around the school grounds. These must be followed at all times and children will need to wait on a marking until they are able to come into the building (don't worry staff will be there to help) 


Once inside school children will follow the yellow and black markings along each corridor to the nearest wash basin where they will wash their hands - again staff will be there to guide our children. 


The children in Year 6 and pupils of Key workers will be directed to their classroom base. Each of these classrooms has been set out with desks 2m apart with a tray or pot containing resources the children will need. 


For the children returning to Year 1 and Year R, their rooms are being designed to encourage and maintain social distancing with table top activities prepared to avoid 'free play' 


We will be providing the families of these two year groups further guidance this coming week before the children return to school on Tuesday 9th June. 


We are mindful that many parents have chosen to delay sending their child back to school and want to wait. We respect and understand this - school will feel and look different to what all our pupils are use to. They may not return to the same classroom, they may not be taught by their current teacher, they may not be able to spend time with their friends. It will be different but we will continue to support all our pupils and their families in this transition and in their choices at this time. 


The past week has been spent carrying out and updating risk assessments, ensuring the building, classrooms, corridors, toilets and outside grounds are safe for our children. 


I will ensure all risk assessments, guidance and expectations are uploaded to our school website 'COVID 19' page. In the meantime just a couple of main points everyone must follow: 


  • No child is able to return to School if they or anyone in their household is displaying COVID-19 symptoms or has not been symptom free for over 2 weeks. 
  • If your child or anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 you must inform school. Again, your child will not be able to return until medical advice is provided that it is safe to do so. 
  • We will provide all parents with guidance of the actions that must be taken if a pupil or staff has COVID-19 symptoms also if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in school. 
  • No child can just turn at school - attendance must be agreed with the headteacher at least one week prior to their starting date. 


All communication will be via text, email or phone - if you need to speak in person to a member of staff please follow the instructions in the lobby. Only one person at a time in the lobby and you must wait behind the white and red line. 


Parents of children in our other year groups will be able to collect paper copies of remote learning on set days at set times. More information to follow from class teachers. 


We have missed how we work together with our children and families and know this coming half term will pose challenges in managing disappointments in not being able to carry out all the activities we are so use to. However, as always we will work together to support and to keep everyone safe. 


Take care


Mrs Shelley Reeves-Walters



Learn Grow Achieve
