In the Loop!
Summer Term: Week 2
Friday 30th April 2021
In School
It is a pleasure to see how well our children are settling back into school life and engaging in all aspects of the timetable. Forest School is used by all our pupils and brings opportunities that support and inspire. Our full PE timetable has resumed with an additional focus 'Healthy Minds & Healthy Bodies' this term.
We have gradually re-introduced tasks that can be carried at home which reinforce the learning in school ~ please check information from your child's teacher each week.
It is wonderful to see the many achievements on the Seesaw class platforms, social media pages and in the children's books. We are so proud of our children and the support they receive from their families - thank you so much!
In Nursery
Our amazing nursery children have settled so well during their first two weeks with us. The staff are working so well with our new and existing families to create the strong foundations our younger children need. Look out for updates on our Instagram page and our new Nursery section (coming soon) on our website.
Crossing Patrol
Please can we ask that parents support us in reinforcing road safety to all pupils. It has been observed that not all pupils on bikes and scooters dismount when they reach the crossing patrol and in some cases don't wait until Kay is in the middle of the road when it is safe.
We also need to remind our pupils that they need to cross in front of Kay and not walk behind her. Kay is there to help and support keep our children and families safe on this busy road. Thank you!
Superstar Rose!
We shared last week the amazing news that Rose had won the One Big Idea competition organised by SAET. In addition to this recognition Rose will be able to help me select £1,000 worth of new books for all the children in our school. I love to shop when someone else is paying...
Here are the link to the most recent coverage of this event on page 10 in The Kidderminster Shuttle
Bank Holiday Weekend
Don't forget we all get a longer weekend and will be back in School and Nursery on Tuesday 4th May.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs RW