In the Loop!
Week 1 - Summer Term
Friday 23rd March 2021
Welcome back to our Summer Term... the sun is shining and our new nursery is finally open! We also, this week, welcomed new pupils into Reception, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 6. We look forward to getting to know all our new families in the days ahead.
A big thank you to our PTA who before the Easter break organised the Easter Crafts and Raffle and over the Easter break supported Mrs Harrison with the purchase of items for the new outdoor area. All funds raised through the purchase of Easter gifts and events such as the raffle support projects in our school.
Next week Year 1 will have delivery of new outdoor tables and parasols and the Nursery will receive new weatherproof outdoor mark marking boards that will attach to the fencing.
A special thank you to Mrs Val Ronan who has very kindly donated new and newly new toys for our nursery. The overwhelming amount of toys was staggering and has made sure our new nursery children have everything they need.
Nursery: Week 2
As part of the settling in period our nursery children will increase their time to three, three hour sessions next week. If you need to check days please contact Miss Harrold or Mrs Pugh via Seesaw or email
If your child attends the afternoon session they will need to bring a named lunchbox.
You can read all about the new nursery by following this link to the recent press coverage.
SAET One Big Idea Competition
We are thrilled that Rose from Swallows (Year 5) came up with the winning idea to help change the world and has won the school £1,000 for books and library resources.
Judges of the One Big Idea project awarded Rose first place for her 'My Teddy Friend', a teddy to help children share their emotions with an app to help parents understand their needs and support their wellbeing.
Rose was one of hundreds of children from Severn Academies Educational Trust (SAET) primary schools who took part in the project designed to encourage creative thinking and further collaborative work between the trust schools.
We are so proud of Rose and all the children who took part in the school final.
Year 6 Health Kick
Our Year 6 pupils began their Health Kick sessions this week with The Harriers. The pupils will focus on PSHE themes and gain a greater awareness of why it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Healthy Minds - Healthy Bodies.
Music Returns!
Music lessons resumed in school this week. Pupils were able to use the new Sebright Music Room for drums, guitar, ukulele, keyboard and violin. It is so wonderful to have a dedicated space in school for our pupils to learn a range of instruments.
Year 2 Outdoor Area
Parents, staff and local businesses have worked together to create an amazing outdoor area for our children. Many thanks to everyone involved. The children have taken advantage of this new area all week.
You can read more about it in The Express and Star article
Hands - Face - Space
In and out of school we are still following the Public Health advice and reducing risks to keep all our pupils, families and staff safe. We are still following all aspects of our risk assessment with children in school remaining in bubbles for lessons and breaktimes. We have a full time cleaner on site throughout the day and face masks are still worn by adults.
The staggered start and end of the school day is working to reduce the volume of people at those times. We thank you all for your continued support.
What a busy first week back!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
Mrs RW