
School Announcements

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In the Loop! 1st July

In the Loop

Thursday 1st July


Planning for September


As we approach the final two weeks of school we will provide opportunities for our children to plan with staff for September.


Due to the guidance, which we are obliged to follow, our original plans for all pupils to spend quality time with staff in classrooms now needs to be adapted. Every member of staff will provide an overview of what their year group will focus on and cover during the autumn term.


The staffing structure for September is presented below and takes in account key milestones in school and how we can best support our children at each stage. We hope that our families will be allowed back into School for open mornings, workshops and to have a look around when we return.


The School has undergone many changes over the last year and we dearly hope that families will get the opportunity to see how the changing learning environments are promoting and enhancing our children’s learning experiences.


We are currently drawing up our beginning of term arrangements for September and, although there is limited clarity or detail for all Schools there is also the possibility any plans drawn up now will be subject to change in light of future Government announcements. We will nevertheless share our guide for the start of term before the end of this one.


Please continue to monitor our School Website and text messages.


Reporting to Parents

The final touches are being put to your child's end of year report which we will email to families from Monday 12th July. There is an opportunity, if you wish, to speak (remotely) to your child's current teacher on Tuesday 13th or Wednesday 14th July. Mrs Hackett will send a Google Form to all families - if you wish to register an appointment there will be proposed timings which staff will coordinate with you the best they can. 


Meet and Greet

In the autumn term it is our aim to invite families to a 'Meet and Greet' session with the new year group staff. Staff will be able to share further details of what your child will cover and expect in their new school year. We await confirmation on what we can and can't do so final plans will be shared nearer the time. 



Staffing for September


Hedgehogs Year R

Mrs Cartwright & Mrs Churchard with Mrs Latty


Robins Year 1

Mrs Harrison with Mr Bishop


Squirrels Year 2

Miss Childs with Mrs Cadwallader


Woodpeckers Year 3

Mrs Stiles with Mrs Hemming

Additional support from Miss Wilson & Mrs Wilkes


Kingfishers Year 4

Mrs Hall & Mrs Churchard with Mrs Brown


Swallows Year 5

Mrs Webber with Mrs Brown


Owls Year 6

Mr Price with Mrs Valentine


In addition Mrs Reeves will provide additional support across Key Stage 2


Mr Mac will lead on PE & Sports


Learn Grow Achieve
