Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a few reports of people gathering on Wolverley Memorial park after school (parents stood talking to each other and not observing the 2 meter social distancing rule). I wondered would you be able to put a reminder to parents of the new Lockdown Covid rules please. Once they have picked up their children they should make their way home as a family unit, and not stay to chat to others. We have officers patrolling these areas and I would hate for a parent to receive a fine
A gathering takes place when two or more persons are present together in the same place in order: to engage in any form of social interaction with each other, or to undertake any other activity with each other
No person may participate in a gathering which:
takes place in a public outdoor place and consists of more than two people, or
takes place in any other outdoor place including outdoor parts of a private dwelling eg, gardens and consists of two or more people