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Harmony Day - message from Jayden & Benji

Harmony Day


We are so excited to share with you all the details for our Harmony Day. Every child, from each of the six primary schools across the trust are taking part in an enrichment day on Monday the 3rd of February. As Children Council members we asked for an opportunity to work collaboratively (that means working together) on a shared project across the different schools and so we have supported the teachers to organise a day to do exactly that.


Each year group will focus on one of 7 Harmony Principles and will take part in lots of exciting activities which explore how important nature is.


HRH The Prince of Wales and Richard Dunne (he came to our school last week) believe that we all need to develop a greater awareness of the 7 Harmony principles. We would like to create a film about the planning, hard work and the achievements on the day to share with HRH The Prince of Wales. There is a letter about the filming attached – please read it carefully and return it to school straight away.


Also attached is the overview for your child’s year group. This will outline what your child will need for the day but if you any questions just ask your child’s teacher.


Now the important bits that everyone needs to know…


Mrs Reeves-Walters and the other headteachers have arranged for all the children to be safely taken to the school or venue your child will spend the day at.



All we ask is that children in Hedgehogs (R), Robins (1), Squirrels (2), Kingfishers (4), Swallows (5) and Owls (6) are on the Wolverley Memorial Hall car park for collection at 8.20am – the coaches need to leave at 8.30am so please do not be late!

We have not forgotten about Woodpeckers (3) they are going to their venue in minibuses which will collect the children from school. Please can Woodpeckers be at school for 8.45am as the minibuses need to leave just before 9am.



Traffic can be tricky but the coach companies have estimated the following return times for each year group (we will all return to the Wolverley Memorial Hall car park)



Estimated return time to Wolverley Memorial Car Park

Hedgehogs (R) & Robins (1)


Squirrels (2) & Kingfishers (4)


Swallows (5)


Woodpeckers (6)


Owls (6)




All clubs are not due to run on Monday 3rd February. Mrs Hackett had already put this on the club list but we thought we would remind you. However, if you need your child to go to After School Club please let Mrs Hackett know. Teachers will make sure your child is safely walked back over to school.



Lunches for Hedgehogs, Robins and Squirrels will be delivered to the school your child is at in time for lunch. If your child is in Woodpeckers, Kingfishers, Swallows and Owls please can you provide a packed lunch for them.

Don’t forget to send in drinks (no fizzy or glass bottles) although there will be plenty to drink at each venue.

If possible to help cover the cost of the day please could we ask for £1 donation. This can be brought into school on Friday 31st January. We will both collect the coins and make sure the money is sent to help pay for the coaches and equipment needed.


All that is left to do is for you to read your child’s year group letter and the letter about filming on the day. The day promises to bring excitement, fun and collaboration between all the children and we are really looking forward to it.


Remember if you have any questions please ask!


Thank you for your support,

Benji and Jayden 



Learn Grow Achieve
