Message From Frocks n flowers / Flowers of Kidderminster
A wonderful client of ours is travelling to Poland with essentials for the Ukraine Crisis. If anyone would like to donate any of the essentials listed below, they would be gratefully received. You can drop them off at our shop in Lisle Avenue and they will be collected Sunday evening.
We will be available for drop off on Saturday 5th March 11am - 3pm; Sunday 6th March 9am - 2pm. The following items would be very much appreciated. No perishables thank you
Food tins, rice, tinned dog food, waterproof clothing, wellies, gloves, hats, scarfs, outdoor clothing, nappies, sanitary products, toothpaste, blankets, duvets, pillows, torches, batteries, soft teddies no bigger than 14 " as these can be carried by children and used as pillows.
Thank you so much, all donations will be gratefully received.
From Emma & the Team
nb. There will be a white VW camper van parked on the memorial hall car park on the morning and afternoon of Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th March to collect donations and take them to Lisle Avenue if you are not able to.
Thank you for your support
Mrs Hackett