
School Announcements

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Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update



The NHS is now advising people whose symptoms include a high temperature or a continuous cough to 'stay at home' for seven days.  This advice applies to us all and equally to all of our staff. 


The most recent advice from the NHS stipulates that people are to stay at home for seven days if they have a ‘high temperature or a new and continuous cough’.


Where a high temperature is generally regarded to be 38C or over, the definition of a ‘continuous cough’ appears to be open to interpretation.


There are various descriptions of  what is a 'continuous cough' - a repeated cough, a cough that won’t go away, a constant clearing of the throat or half a day spent coughing. 


We ask that if any pupils are staying at home then school is contacted as soon as possible. Our staff will update class pages on our website and can arrange for work to be emailed home. Our package for remote learning is ready for each year group.


The advice is not to send your children to school if they are unwell, wait until they are better before sending them back to School.


I will continue to update as soon as I receive further information in regard to how we can support our families and pupils.

Learn Grow Achieve
