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Coronavirus (COVID-19) home testing kits

Coronavirus (COVID-19) home testing kits


Schools and further education institutions will receive an initial supply of ten home test kits in line with the commitment the DFE made in July. 


The school can only offer a home test kit to individuals who have developed symptoms while at school (the test will be given to the parent or carer as the child is under 18) in the exceptional circumstance when the school believes you may have barriers to accessing a test elsewhere, and that in giving a home test kit directly will therefore significantly increase the likelihood of your child getting tested.

This will help us to take swift action to protect students and staff in the event of a positive test result.


The symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

  • a high temperature,
  • a new, continuous cough,
  • or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.


Home test kits should only be offered to individuals in the exceptional circumstance that you believe an individual may have barriers to accessing testing elsewhere. The best and fastest way for students or staff to access a test is to visit a testing site.


Read the DfE guidance on home test kits for schools and FE providers in full via the link below:


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