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Advice for staying safe around water

The emergency services have concerns that, with schools closing early in the continuing hot weather, young people may be out more in the community and therefore need to raise awareness about the dangers of open water swimming.


Advice for staying safe around water


·Never swim in open water when there are no life-guards present

·Stop and think – spot the dangers. Don't jump or dive into open water; submerged objects such as rocks may not be visible and can cause serious injuries

·Stay together

·Be aware that there may be strong currents, even where the water surface appears calm

·Weirs, locks, pipes and sluices are especially dangerous

·Take note of warning signs, safety information or flags near the water's edge

·Water can be very cold even in summer, causing cramp and breathing difficulties – these can affect even the strongest swimmer

·Get out of the water as soon as you start to feel cold

·Keep away from the river's edge and closely supervise young children at all times

·Wear the recommended safety equipment for your activity, e.g. life jackets/helmets

·Alcohol may impair your ability and judgment; never go swimming under the influence of alcohol

·In an emergency, float

·Call 999 or 112 in an emergency.


Website: Water safety code on ROSPA 


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