Monday 2nd November
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your understanding and support today - we have had cleaners in since Sunday and all day today to make sure School is ready from tomorrow for our children.
I understand this is an unsettling time for many but more than ever we need to work together to reduce further disruption to our families.
We continue to follow the strict guidance set out by Public Health and the Department of Education and if/when we have a confirmed case in school we will follow their instructions and share these with parents.
The following additional measures are in place and guidance listed for families to follow:
No child should come to school if they display any COVID symptoms.
No child should come to school if a family member they live with has symptoms.
No child or adult should come to school if they are displaying COVID symptoms or awaiting the results of a test.
Please follow all COVID guidance and remain isolated for the recommended period.
Please seek medical advice if you are uncertain about your child or a person in contact with your child.
In addition:
1. Staggered start and end times will continue - please keep to these times.
2. Face masks/shields to be worn at drop off and collection times by parents and staff.
3. Older children are encouraged to arrive and leave school without an adult. Only one person can bring children to school.
4. Parents are to contact staff via email or telephone and are to avoid conversations longer than 10 minutes outside.
5. Children are to only bring essential items to school and avoid items that are not regularly needed.
6. Children in Key Stage 2 should come to school in PE kit unless instructed otherwise.
7. Children remain in smaller bubbles at all times.
8. A full time cleaner is on site throughout the school day with additional cleaners in after school to reduce further risks in school.
9. Any visitor to school must follow our COVID Visitor guidance at all times.
10. Regular updates will be provided to families.
If you need to go through any aspect of the school day or have any questions please let us know and email