Last Week Update
Monday 18th
Shakespeare Rocks! Key Stage 2 performances 1pm and 7pm at WCESS.
Wednesday 20th
Reserved Sports Day (this will not take place due to an amber warning for thunderstorms and heavy rain)
Thursday 21st
Wolverley's Got Talent Competition. 1-3pm. Children across the school have completed their entry forms ready for this years competition. Winners will be asked to perform at Fun on the Field.
Fun on the Field!
The fun starts at 6pm. Remember to bring your picnic blankets and chairs. The weather at the moment is cloudy but no rain!?!?!
Friday 22nd
Last Day! Leavers Service in the church. Hedgehogs will say goodbye to their buddies in year 6 and we will all say goodbye to Mrs Sparks. Everyone is welcome to join us.
The service starts at 1.15pm. Year 6 will be able to taken from the church to get ready for their End of Primary School Party. All other parents are welcome to collect their child from school after the church service or 3pm as usual.
Year 6 Leavers Party
All year 6 pupils are invited to join staff at The Lock from 5pm - 7pm. Head to the upstairs room. Everything has been arranged - food, music and games!