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Key Stage 2 Performance 2015

Performance Report

Key Stage 2



We are still in the top 10% of Primary Schools Nationwide!


At Wolverley Sebright VA Primary School 94% of pupils achieve level 4B or above putting the school in the top 10% of primary schools nationwide, the top 10% of primary schools in Worcestershire and in the top 10% of schools like us for the second year running!


100% achieved level 4 or above in Reading

100% achieved level 4 or above in Writing

94% achieved level 4 or above in Maths


100% of pupils made expected or above expected progress in Reading

100% of pupils made expected or above expected progress in Writing

100% of pupils made expected or above expected progress in Maths


The Average Point Score at Key Stage 2 is 30.3 Pupils at Wolverley Sebright VA Primary School score on average 1.3 points more than other primary schools nationwide and schools in Worcestershire. Pupils score on average 5C across all subjects.

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