School Update: 05.01.2021
You will have heard that during the Prime Minister’s address last night that the decision has been made to close schools until the February Half Term for all but children of critical workers and vulnerable children. The key message is that children should stay at home wherever possible.
At 11pm last night schools were issued with details that have been published on the website. We anticipate further details will follow today which we will communicate to you.
A Google Form will be sent out this morning for parents to complete. Our website contains links to the DFE with further information about which Critical worker children are able to come into school.
Today, teachers will plan for provision in our school and will put together a remote learning plan for our children, to begin Wednesday 6th January.
Please monitor our school website, text messages and Seesaw App for details today.
Once again our communities and schools find themselves in challenging circumstances. By cooperation, compassion and consideration for others we will navigate our way through these troubled times and keep each other safe and protected.