
School Announcements

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Keeping in Touch

Check here for copies of letters and correspondence from Mrs King,Mrs Hemming and the school.

Welcome to Hedgehogs.

  Summer Term 2021.


Entry into class will be between 9.00am

End of the day collection will be 3.00p.m

Overview of this week.

TOPIC-Our topic this half term is ‘Once Upon a Time.’

PE-This terms focus will be Athletics. Please can children come in wearing their PE kit on Thursdays.

RAINBOW CHALLENGES-We are all working hard to earn 6 lollipop sticks each by Friday so that we can get a reward.

PSHE-This half term, we are focusing on ‘Healthy Me’ where we will be looking at how to keep ourselves healthy

FOREST SCHOOL-Please can children come in wearing their forest school clothes on Fridays? They will also need a pair of named wellies.

Please email Mrs King if you have any queries on:


Please could you send in £1.00 on a weekly basis to cover the bread, butter and biscuits that we provide for our daily snacks. Any additional monies will be used for treats at the end of term. This can be handed to Mrs King or Mrs Hemming in the morning or sent via your child in an envelope.

Thank You

Mrs King.







Learn Grow Achieve
