
School Announcements

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Curriculum Overview

To prepare for the Summer Term 2024 we would like to share the class theme and curriculum drivers which will shape your child’s learning next term. It is important that we continue to work together in supporting your child in school.

Please take time to read the class overview with your child and explore links to the new topics and areas of focus for the term ahead.

Summer Term Topics: We start with a topic all about: Rivers then, after the break, ‘Stone Age to iron Age’.


Enquiry Question: How are rivers formed?


We will explore a rivers features, the Water cycle, and the different elements of the rivers upper, middle and lower course. Through field work we shall be exploring Wolverley’s river courses and discussing whether there are signs of pollution and it causes.

Enquiry Question: How did Britain change between the end of the Stone Age and the end of the Iron Age?


We will time travel back to see Skara Bare as a Stone Age settlement and see what changed with the invention of the wheel and discovery of iron ore. We will consider the term hunter-gatherer and the creation of hill forts. Which then leads on to us building our own castle in DT and cave painting in Art.

English uses the reading texts as a learning framework, we will use key ‘VIPERS’ skills to explore 'A River' by Marc Martin and ‘The Boy with the Bronze Axe’ by Kathleen Fidler. Other information books will support this as we write information reports, newspaper articles and fiction stories. After studying multimedia extracts we will write a persuasive letter about river pollution and what we can do to help.

Maths will be focus on the area of fractions, money, time, shape and statistics. We will use problem solving, reasoning and discussion to aid our understanding and gain confidence by sharing our learning with a class buddy. 

We will be reviewing our key instant recall facts when counting in 10's and converting fractions of 10 into decimals and multiplying and dividing by ten. Gaining confidence, fluency and speed with the times tables reviewed this year will be ongoing during the term.

Science allows us to explore the forces and capabilities of magnets. How they work and how strong they are. The famous seismologist Inge Lehmann will completement this learning about the inner core’s magnetic traits. We will also investigate plants and learn from plant hunters what they need to grow. We will carry out our own investigations and then use these skills in independent investigations.  The jigsaw PSHE scheme enables us to discuss ‘relationships’ and ‘changing me’. In Music the Charanga scheme focuses on playing music in different ways. We extend our Spanish language with colours and saying goodbye. In addition, P.E. focusing on tri golf, tennis against a wall and net, cricket and athletics in preparation for Sports Day.

Learn Grow Achieve
