
School Announcements

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Welcome to Hedgehogs

with Mrs.Cartwright and Miss.Harrold.




Calling all Ocean Explorers!




Our topic for this Summer term will be ‘Ocean Explorers’. During this term we will be learning all things sea life! We will be doing lots of activities within this theme and even touching on the current global issues of plastic in the sea! If you have any books or sea related things at home, or even if you happen to find Nemo, please bring them in to share. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Miss.Harrold.



Key Information


Thursday morning will be PE for Hedgehogs. Please ensure all PE kit is in school every week.



Home Learning is so important in order for the children to make good progress. The children will be sent home with a new piece of English or math’s homework every Friday (alternate weeks) The children will also have 2 new tricky words to practice in their tricky word books. These need to be completed and bought back to school by the following Thursday.


During our Ocean Topic, the children will come home with ‘challenge bubbles’. Please send in any photos or work completed at home so we can share in class and display.



Forest School


Forest school will continue to be on a Tuesday afternoon. Please send children into school wearing old clothes on that day. Please ensure wellies stay in school and the children have hats and sun cream when needed.



Reading List

Class Photos

Check back here regularly for photographs of what your child has been up to.

We had so much fun making pancakes today! We added our favourite toppings too, mostly chocolate spread!

A very cold, but lovely first day back after February half term.


Links to websites that the children use in school which may be useful for them to access at home.


Please check here regularly for copies of any letters that may have been sent out by your child's teacher.

Parent Overview Spring 2018

Parent Overview Summer 2018

Learn Grow Achieve
